Book Chapters
A sample of recently published book chapters
“Indiana Jones and the Quest for Agnosticism: What if All Stories Are True?” in Indiana Jones and Philosophy
“Relating to the Zombie: Aspects of Human Relations” in The Last of Us and Theology: Violence, Ethics, Redemption?
“Sudden Onset Belief: The Brutality of Conversion in Lovecraft’s Stories” in Theology and H.P. Lovecraft
“From Autonomy to Annihilation: The Monstrous Truth of the Romantic Lie” in Girard and Pop Culture
“An Intimate Look at Paul Stanley’s Love” in Kiss and Philosophy
“What Does It Mean If The Band Plays Forever?” in Kiss and Philosophy
“Love in Black Mirror: Who Do We Really Love?” in Black Mirror and Philosophy
“St. Spider-Man and the Confrontation with Self: How the Hero's Journey Maps the Journey of the Saint” in Spider-Man and Religion
“Paul Tillich and Ian Fleming’s Ultimate Concern” in Religion and James Bond
“Confessions in The Office: Honesty in the Dishonest World of Branch Plant America” in Theology and The Office